Soft light brick meets high-grade gray, easy to match to create an ideal living space
Date: 2022-03-30 14:56:26

Gray is a neutral color with a strong sense of harmony, and it will not stand out when paired with cool or warm colors. When Nordic style meets high-grade gray, the space is elegant and temperamental. Simple Nordic style, with different shades of gray to create a pure and natural atmosphere of life. The overall layout is clean and neat, and the whole space gives a clean and refreshing aesthetic.

When soft light bricks are combined with gray

An advanced journey of home improvement design starts here

01/Sandstone Tuff


A gorgeous encounter between flying sand and walking stones brings the fineness of sand and the depth of rock. Sandstone inherits the magic of nature, and its unique natural texture has made countless classics in the history of architecture.



sandstone tuff


Taking the sandstone formed by the weathering and deposition of hundreds of millions of years as the design inspiration, the modern people's desire for nature and primitiveness is integrated into the ceramic tile design, and the deepest throbbing in people's heart is awakened quietly.


Different levels of green soft furnishings, with metal lines, make the space feel fresh and natural, as if a different kind of green has grown from the ground.


Appropriate use of the inadvertent blank space in the soft furnishing in the space appropriately demonstrates the softness and comfort of the natural theme.

02/Andora Grey


The textures of different shades of lines and the scars of the rocks are like the marks branded by nature on the mountains. The unique continuous pattern design and the calm texture give the space a more tranquil and elegant visual effect, with a natural beauty of artistic conception.



Andora Grey


A grey cloud from the Turkish sky, overlooking the sky and the earth, soaring freely. The designer's whimsy wants this plain cloud to enter the work and continue the art of nature.


Low-saturation gray, with a little original life tension, is harmoniously matched with the wood-colored wall. Coupled with brightly colored soft clothing, it is even more advanced under the light.


Sometimes there is no need for too many decorations, and the layers are clear under the light or the sun.

03/Sicilian Grey


The hazy tone between gray and white is like a cloud and mist, and the thick or thin linear texture extends powerfully, and the paving effect is more tense.



sicilian grey


The designer went to Sicily and applied the unique architectural fashion inspiration of the Blue City to the research and development of ceramic tiles to create unique ceramic tiles.


Combined with the diffuse reflection of the light, the space range of the living room is extended, more atmosphere is added, and the flow and change of light and space are created.


In line with the persistent pursuit of comfort, the linear extension environment of gray tones will not be limited to rigidity, it is enough to take into account modernity and comfort, and provide users with appropriate freedom.

04/Italian cloud grey


With gray as the background color, cloud-like texture, vertical and horizontal mottled, it is a natural and wonderful beauty accumulated over time and history.



Italian cloud grey


Located in the Dolomites Mountains, the wonderland on earth in Italy, the mountain peaks here are amazing and commendable, giving designers unlimited inspiration to reproduce its scenery. The design is based on the Italian cloud gray, an artistic masterpiece, depicting a fairyland on earth.


Gray is enough to "give more imagination with the least design", return to the essence of life, conform to nature, and restore the beauty of nature.


After calming down and observing the bits and pieces of life, we realize that nature is life, and life is more natural. The beauty of texture pursued turned out to be so plain and simple.

Whether in the field of home improvement or tooling, the matching of gray tones makes more users like it. 600X1200mm soft light tiles are continuously verified by more consumers because they are easy to match and easier to create the decorative effect the owners want. Did you get it?

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